1:1 Run Coaching

with Becca

The only running & strength coach helping ambitious runners reach their big, scary goals without asking you to hire four different coaches.

Be the woman who sets big goals & then smashes the shit out of them.

Sound familiar?

You missed that big PR multiple times with no idea why you can't get it

You feel completely overwhelmed when you look up new training plans on the interwebs

You feel like you should be able to do it on your own, but you can't...and that sucks

No one understands why your running goals are so important.

You question if your goals are just too big for what you're capable of

You know that strength training & fueling are important, but you have no idea where to start

You can…

Get that freaking PR and then go further

Understand the why behind training methods so you have more confidence in your plan

Understand why and how to strength train as a runner and see how it can be a game changer

Learn how to marry running + strength + nutrition + sleep to perform at your highest potential

Have a partner who both understands and supports your goals

Finally believe that you CAN achieve all your big, scary running goals

Coaching with yours truly…

is for the runner who wants to take things to the next level. You want to see what you’re truly capable of, but you don’t know how to do it alone. You’re driven to ambitious goals and you don’t shy away from hard work.

Hey there!

I’m Rebecca, certified run coach and personal trainer.

If you’re anything like me, you love seeing what your body can do. You love pushing yourself to the limits. But all the info out there is so freaking confusing and you feel lost in the cess pool of the internet. 

You want to hit those shiny goals more than anything. And if you can do that without spending hours scouring training plans on the internet, even better. You want someone to tell you what to do, answer all your questions, and be there to tell you that you absolutely can when that self-doubt creeps in. 

I’ll be all that and more for you. 

Inside the Coaching Experience

All your runs programmed for you in Training Peaks. Just press start on your Garmin or Coros watch and go.

All your strength training workouts programmed in Trainerize. Just press start in the app.

Form video breakdowns for every exercise.

RPE (rating of perceived exertion) scales for both running & strength training.

Weekly video check-in calls with yours truly.

Fueling guidelines for peak performance.

Custom race strategies.

Post-race evaluations to learn from your successes and the not so great days as well.

What the

athletes are


“The weekly check ins and good communication have been so valuable.”

“The balance of flexibility, support, and tough love when I need it has been invaluable.”


All your burning questions answered in one place.

How much does coaching cost?

$169/month. You’ll receive a Paypal invoice every month with the option to pay with Paypal or by any major credit card.

What distances do you train people for?

Everything from 5k to marathon! I do not coach ultrarunners, but hit me up and I can definitely send you a referral!

Will I also get a meal plan?

No. I’m not a registered dietitian and therefore, meal plans are outside my scope of practice. However, I will help teach you how to fuel properly as an endurance athlete and if you’re interested in working with an RD, I have lots of recommendations for you.

How often will I have to run and strength train?

That’s completely up to your schedule! I’m a big believer in running should fit into your life, not the other way around. Generally speaking though, 2-5 days of running/week and 2-3 days of strength training/week are what you’re looking at.

Is there a minimum amount of time I have to work with you?

Nope! My contract is month to month so I just ask you to give me 30 days notice if you want to stop coaching. However, I do highly recommend a minimum of 3 months to see the full benefits of coaching. 

What if I get injured?

Depending on the severity of the injury, we can either pause coaching or I can adjust your training to accommodate the injury. 

I've been injured in the past and I'm scare to get injured again. Can you help prevent this?

Yes! Of course, there’s never any guarantee you won’t get injured. But I’ll teach you how to train at the right intensities and build volume safely to minimize the injury risk as much as possible!

I've never done strength training before, is that ok?

More than ok! I’d be thrilled to introduce you to strength training and what a game changer it can be for your running. Don’t worry, we’ll start slow and build up. 

How much access do I have to you?

Unlimited! I’m a high touch coach. We will have weekly 15 min video check-in calls + a weekly evaluation form I ask you to fill out. I’m available via text M-F 8am-5pm and will generally answer within a few hours. 

What's your coaching style like?

My goal as your coach is teach you the why behind my programming. So I’d say educational with a lot of cheerleader. I’ll push you when you need to be pushed, but I’m not a scream at you to give me 20 more burpees type of coach 🙂 

Do I have to have a Garmin or Coros watch?

It’s not a requirement, however I highly recommend getting one if you don’t have one. They integrate best with Training Peaks and will allow you to complete your workouts without having to remember all the intervals because it’s just programmed into your watch. 

Will I have to purchase any special equipment?

Not for running. If you don’t have a gym membership and don’t have any weights at home, you’ll need to invest in some weights. I can go over all that with you on our consultation call. 

What if I need schedule changes?

Just shoot me a text and I’ll move things around for you as needed! 

What do the check-in calls consist of?

It varies week to week depending on what YOU need. Some weeks we may go over tips on pacing, some weeks we’ll talk about fueling. Some calls will be race strategy planning. Strength training form notes, etc.

Still Have Questions?

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