We are now in the thick of winter running and some parts of the country are getting extreme cold. Which begs the question: how cold is too cold for running?

I mean, really this is going to be up to your personal tolerance for cold. Some people are able to withstand much colder temperatures than others. I see runners posting pictures of literal frost on their eyelashes and throughout their hair. That’s honestly a bit much for me.

The coldest I’ve run in has been single digits with wind-chills in the negatives, but never below -10 degrees Fahrenheit. I’m not sure I could do much colder.

Experts generally agree that wind-chill of -20 degrees Fahrenheit or below becomes dangerous because frostbite can set in very quickly.

You obviously need to have the right gear and evaluate conditions beyond just actual temperature. If it’s 0 degrees Fahrenheit and super windy, I’m probably not going out. But if it’s 0 degrees, calm, and sunny, I’d likely go out.

Looking for gear recommendations? I wrote an entire post about the best winter running gear.

How cold is too cold - when to hit the treadmill - rebeccalynnlockhart.com

Winter treadmill work


But just because I’ll go out in the temperatures I listed above doesn’t mean you have to. It is perfectly fine if you spend the winter on your treadmill in your temperature controlled house or gym. There is absolutely no shame in that and it does not make you less of a runner.

So if the treadmill is your jam, go for it and we’ll see you back on the roads when it thaws!

What’s the coldest temperature you’ve ever run in?

Remember: this post is for informational purposes only and may not be the best fit for you and your personal situation. It shall not be construed as medical advice. The information and education provided here is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. Always check with your own physician or medical professional before trying or implementing any information read here.

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