Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone

Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone

Every human being has a comfort zone in various areas of your life. Your comfort zone could be staying home on a Friday night vs. going out to a bar or party. Or vice versa. Your comfort zone could be always ordering the same thing at your favorite restaurant and...
Performance Over Aesthetics

Performance Over Aesthetics

I think it’s safe to say that everyone starts running for a reason.   For many of us, that reason is aesthetic. Maybe you’re trying to lose weight or you want your body to look a certain way. And you’ve heard that running burns fat so you take...
Weekly Marathon Training Volume

Weekly Marathon Training Volume

Let’s talk about marathon training and what weekly volume you can expect to be hitting during a training cycle.   Weekly Volume   First, let us define weekly volume. Your weekly volume is the number of miles or the amount of time spent training each...