She Achieved a 40-Minute Marathon PR!

She Achieved a 40-Minute Marathon PR!

No that’s not me in the photo. That’s my amazing client, Michelle! I wanted to feature her on the blog today because she just crushed her marathon back in December and she deserves a shout-out. I started training Michelle just for strength training back in...
Running on Snow & Ice

Running on Snow & Ice

Winter running is tough. Not only do we have to combat the cold, sometimes it’s snowy and icy. So what do we do then? In case you missed it, I just shared my favorite winter running gear! There are a few options for running in the snow/ice.   Treadmill...
When is it Too Cold to Run?

When is it Too Cold to Run?

We are now in the thick of winter running and some parts of the country are getting extreme cold. Which begs the question: how cold is too cold for running? I mean, really this is going to be up to your personal tolerance for cold. Some people are able to withstand...
The Best Winter Running Gear

The Best Winter Running Gear

Okay this post might be a little late since we’re already mid-way into January, BUT I still think it’s valuable. I consider myself an all-weather runner. There’s not much that will stop me from going out. High wind, smoky unhealthy air, an actual...